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This program is specifically designed for the Baofeng UV-5R radio. May also work with;
- B-580T
- BF-E500S
- BF-F8, F8+, F9
- BF-UVB2+
- FF-12P
- UV-5R V2+, UV-5R2
- UV-5R++
- UV-860
- UV-920
- UV-B2+, B3+

How To Program: Text

Programing Cable

You will need to purchase a specific programming cable to program your radio. Click the link below.

How To Program: Text

Download CHIRP

CHIRP is a free, open-source programming software for many radios, including he Baofeng UV-5R. Click the button below to take you to CHIRP's website and follow the instructions to download the software.

How To Program: Text

Download The Radio Program

Download the .zip file containing the memory program you would like. Extract the .img file and save it.

How To Program: Text

Open the Program

Open CHIRP and the click File > Open


Then click the the .img file you would like to use. The software should open a tab and the saved memories should appear. 

open pic 3.jpg
How To Program: Welcome

Connecting the Radio

Plug the cable into the USB port in your computer. Turn on the radio and tune it to a frequency with no traffic. Plug the cable into the radio and turn the volume to 100%.


Click "Radio > Upload To Radio". Confirm the correct port, radio and model are being used then click okay.  


Another window will open. Read through the instructions and double check you have followed the steps correctly, then click okay.

The radio should start cloning. Once it's finished you can unplug your radio and begin using it.  


To check if it downloaded correctly, restart the radio and the welcome message should have changed based on the program you have downloaded.

How To Program: Welcome


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